Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Andrew speaks again

Dear Somerville,
The run you guys put together was so incredible. The way you support me, and in a way you all supporting my Dad, through this meant so much to me when I saw that picture. I don’t know that I have even met very many of you, I have met a few of my Dad’s co-workers through the years, thank you all so much for the encouragement.

Mark – can’t wait to see you Thursday. Find out of if I can drive the Zues – so easy, a cripple could do it. I can see it now, best headline advertisement Mercury has ever had, creating record sales of your new pilot control system and giant sea rays to go with each system. Peace brother.

Tari – odd as it sounds and I really can’t believe it myself, beer and alcohol is really the last thing I want in my system anymore. It just doesn’t ring any bells for me as of now. I’m not saying down the road I’m not going to enjoy a cold beer again, but right now, no kegger attachment needed. Everyone here is pretty darn jealous about the dual cup holders. Some folks don’t even have one and I just sit back and laugh with my iced coffee on one side and a foam cup filled with crystal clear, cold ice water on the other.

Maeghan – don’t you worry, I had enough of you at the wedding and I’m not experiencing any Maeghan withdrawals yet. I will see you when you can! Thank you for your thoughts. Talk to you soon, the best groomsman you ever walked up the aisle with.

Natedawg – all I need to know Nathan is when you are going to be back in Door County this summer. Hopefully towards the end of summer so I can get a couple months under my belt so we can get the Paragon out to sea and visit our friends on Green Island.
Sarah Z – it’s great to hear from you. Means a lot to know that you and sounds like other people you know are supporting me as well. Keep throwing love my way, every bit helps.

Tari – it is hard enough just to get the stuff to come out – I really don’t think I should be throwing it around, but if you want I could save a little for ya and you can do whatever you want with it. Shoot it out of a canon, put it in a brown paper bag and light it on fire in front of an unexpected neighbor’s house, or even just simply flush it down the toilet – your pick. LOL.

Sarah – every color of the rainbow is an incredible amount of love. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much! It was good to see you and thank you for all of your help while you were here. I love you so much and I am sure I will see you again soon. Thank you for the prayers and daily thoughts.

Dear Blazers, keep rockin’ on. I had so much fun with you guys when you came to San Diego to visit Brad. Those were seriously some really great nights between going out to the bars and dancing and hitting up the dueling piano bar, what fun and great guac! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Jaci – sounds good! Call anytime, I am usually laying in bed getting ready for the night between 6 and 9. Have a great time at the cottage and as far as blogging goes – Kalli and I sit down and go through the comments together, usually two days worth, and I just say what I want her to type in and she types it for me. I use the blackberry to read the comments each night thought – it really works well. I just lie in bed and check out the blog.

Dear Jenny – thank you for sharing that. I didn’t have a clue. Way to fight through it all. Sounds like you are doing great. Those kinds of stories are very inspiring for me because I don’t plan on letting this stop me from doing anything either. Love, Andrew.

Dear friend of Grant – I know a couple Grant’s and you forgot to label who you are. Very curious as to whom this mystery writer is. Blog again and I will shout back understanding who you are! Lol.

Keith – I do have a bar that I am not using right now, but unfortunately the shipping cost from CA would be astronomical and probably cost more than what the bar is worth. As far as washers go – sorry Endow but I would have to say the set that Keith has with the chains that pull apart and you have three holes where you stand on top of the boxes is pretty much the coolest style I have ever played. The ones with the cans are just too damn loud. Good to hear from you Keith, love you brother, Hippert.

Shorty – why the heck would I need to get you one of the stickers – you are under five feet tall which is legally a midget so all you would have to do is go fill out the form and get one. I have been wondering for years why you haven’t done this – my gosh – front row seats at target, free parking meters, there are endless opportunities with that beautiful red or blue sticker in the window.

Katy/Shorty 2 – same to you, go get a parking sticker.

Evan – man have I not been able to hang out with you enough in these last two years. First you go out of the country and then I leave the state. We had so many good times at 3369 Bartlett. There aren’t enough toes to wiggle to count that. So glad to hear that you are keeping up on me and thinking about me. Love you man.

Endow – I have been practicing with bean bags on a daily basis, working on different kinds of drills from longest throw javelin style to simply playing catch with my roommate. Don’t you worry; when the tournament comes around I will be in prime condition and your number one player! Funny that you mention going sailing, today I found out that I am set up and ready to go for next Wednesday at 2 o’clock. My roommate and I are going out of the Chicago harbor on a Freedom20 which is a specific class boat set up for disabled sailors. I am so excited to get back out on the water for its one thing that I would really be bummed about if I was not able to continue doing.

Patti – thanks for the scripture – those are a couple great lines. They are very meaningful. Hope you guys are having a great time in Yellowstone.

Al – thanks for shouting out for me. I always kind of assumed that little cheer “hip-hip-hurray” was pretty much for me, so thank you for using my cheer. It kind of makes me feel like I was with you, sitting around a campfire, definitely one of my favorite things to do. Have a great trip and enjoy your new adventure!

Kelly – that’s really great that you’re living in downtown chi-town. Just from all the times I have visited throughout my life it really is a pretty neat city with a lot to do, especially it sounds like in the summer. I keep hearing about festival after festival in different parks and amphitheaters all over town. Stop by any time you want. Enjoy the city! Andrew.

Mark Sier – it is great that you are listening and reading. I just can’t believe how many people this blog is touching. It makes it so fun to respond knowing that it is not just going out into space, there really are people taking it in, enjoying the fun, happy humor canter between me and all of my loved ones. If you have time on your way back that would really be amazing, I hope it is not too out of your way. Until then, see ya brother.

Endow – sounds great! We will put you on the calendar. Any day works for us and of course that is what the apartment is for. Definitely stay with us – it is so close and convenient and really it is right downtown to do something fun too. Can’t wait to see you then – you are my number one blogger!

Endow- that really sounds great and maybe we will need his help, but my guess is I take one look at this boat I am going out on Wednesday and you know me – I will have all my own ideas and the Esclapion will be rigged by yours truly in no time flat. Again, that is, if needed. The only thing I will maybe need help with is finding a small helicopter to fly me out to the boat sitting on the mooring. Just seems a lot cooler than taking my dingy out there, that’s all. You work on that and I will get these legs moving.

Marcel – the food here at the RIC is by far the weakest link. This could definitely be a nitch market for you. Even though RIC is rated number one already, you and Kai could come into a great hospital like this and really turn around their patient’s dietary intake by getting them some real food that they would love to eat and be excited for each meal. I miss cooking with you so much. You are, besides Kalli of course, my favorite person I have ever cooked with. I always would learn little things or understand temperatures and timing better after a session of either beer can chicken or one of your beautiful much more eloquent conglomerations. Remember that one night when you made some beautiful thin slices of steak, breaded king crab, succulent shrimp scampi, some delicious sides all topped with a Marcel special sauce and if that wasn’t delicious enough, the most creative looking Caesar salad with baked parmesan, almost cracker like disc perfectly placed on top to go with. Man, what a meal. Even Bob, the best maintenance man in all of CA, said that it was the best meal he had ever had in his life and the guy is like 100 years old! In fact, if you see Bob, definitely give him my love and tell him I miss him and the RIC could use him here too. The washing machine has been broken for like a week, Bob would have had that up and running again in say five to ten minutes! That’s enough rambling, love you Marcel. Keep on keepin on.


  1. Hi big guy,

    Just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and happy to hear that you are doing so well. I spoke to John yesterday and he is doing good and just celebrated his fathers birthday with a big party at his house. I think he said that he had 65 people at his house. The weather here is great and your room is still ready any time you and Kalli want to come and visit. I am so happy that you have so much suppport back there and I know your family also appreciates everything that your friends are doing for you.

    Keep up the good work in rehab. and know that we are all there with you in spirit.

    Take care Andrew and give Kalli my best.

    Papa Mike

  2. Andrew,
    Sounds like you are really pushing yourself on a daily basis, that is great news. Everyone says that I have a weak torso also but that's a nice way of saying you are fat. Don't try and blame your "weak torso" on this accident because you had well before this. lol
    I want to try and come see you next Tuesday afternoon (23rd) if I can. Are there any certain times that are better for you based on your schedule of therapies, etc. Do you have access to your Blackbery where I call you or do i just show up and track you down? Do you have a craving for anything I may be able to bring you or want me to caal ahead? I will be up there with my wife, Julie, so she may come with me. You can meet the peron that puts up with me on a daily basis. Just thinking about you brother and lookig forward to seeing you!!!

    Brian Heine

  3. ok hip,

    so i was at the computer and decided to peep the blog one more time tonight (really i was listening to the brewers sweep the series with the indians in 11 innings and it was commercial ;-) anyway i caught this new posting. glad i can be your number one blogger man, though i'm not surprised a nerdy asian took that title :-) it's easier than eating hot dogs faster than you round eyes. ok i'm done being racist, really i was just wondering if this boat you're going on is all rigged up for people my height and those in a wheelchair. if it is snap some pics for your boy, my curiousity could kill a gang of cats.

    and what's all this about you wanting a SMALL chopper to get to the boat? hip if it's a chopper you want your boy endow is gonna go get you marine one baby. we'll fly out to the esclapion in style boy. :-)

    ps i realize my online slang is a combo of hippie and gangster, you don't need to bring it up ;-)

  4. hey hip,
    i feel so honored to get response posts from you...I was trying to keep up with Endow and his posts but when he cranks out three in a row, it's tough!
    I hope Kalli shared with you that we are stopping in around noon tomorrow. can
    t wait to see your smiling face...
    did you practice your golf knowing a fierce competitor was on the way? Actually I'm going to let you off easy this visit...I have other plans for you.
    As always love and prayers.

  5. Hipdog- I have been gone on a fishing trip for the last week so I just got to catch up on the blog... SO MUCH TO READ! you have so much support man this blog is amazing. It sounds like your getting into a routine and working really really hard. KEEP PUSHING IT! can't wait to come see you. Have fun on the freedom20 and I'll let you know as soon as I can get down there.

  6. mornin hip,

    so i've gotten into this routine where i force myself to work for at least an hour before i check the blog, otherwise nothing gets done and i read and re-read everything over again. it's tough sometimes but i've been stickin with it for the last two days.

    i guess wilson is comin back from the ABQ the same time i'm gonna be there so we might make the roady together to see you. hey clay if you don't make it down before we're back hit me up and we can pack em in. hip you better inform the nurses there's gonna be a bunch of fine ass wisconsin raised man meat headin their way in week and half ;-)

    oh yeah and tell tari don't worry about keeping up with the posts, it'll be impossible. i'm at the damn computer so much between work, the blog and whatnot that i end up neglecting my girlfriend, eating, basic hygiene and so forth, so sneakin in a few more posts than me is gonna be difficult. it'll take at least 2 jack nicholsons and at least a $5,000 bar tab to keep me away from now on :-)

    i anxiously await today's update and to hear more from you hip. i know it's gotta be tiring to be so damn amazing on a daily basis but we expect nothing less from you brother. keep on blowin our minds hip

  7. Andrew- I was so excited to hear that you get to go sailing next week!! you are going to have to take lots of pictures and post them on hear, so we all can see. You are quite amazing!!! I have shared your blog with a lot of my coworkers and they continually ask me how you are doing. So you have many people thinking of you from UW-Hospital! Let me know if there are going to be any benefits coming up?
    Alright, like everyone else, I can't stop reading the blog as well. Have a good day and keep on pushing!

  8. Andrew-

    I was so sorry to hear about your accident, but it seems like you are in great spirits just as I remember you. I look forward to hearing about the improvements you are making. I will be praying for you and keep on pushing!!
    - Kasey Killoren

  9. Hip,
    It was great to see you, Kalli and your mom today. You looked AWESOME! (I noticed the nicely trimmed mustache and beard.) Taylor told me as we were leaving that she wished she could visit you every day... and on our car ride back to Appleton said that visiting you was the best part of her day... :)
    Keep me posted on "The Shake". Don't let any freeloaders sneak a shake before depositing their quarter...
    As always, love and prayers.

  10. Hey Hippert,

    It's cool hanging out with you right now.

    Write back.

    Mark Lee

  11. hey hip,

    not sure if you talked to the swedes recently or not but they're setting up a bbq/fundraiser at the pacific at mission bay on sunday for you! those guys are good people hip, i can't believe how you ended meeting the coolest cats from sweden in pacifc beach. you know for all the folks you've met in your lifetime you sure seem to know how to keep the rif raf and troublemakers at arm's legnth and surround yourself with an inner circle of genuinely good, fun loving people. (don't know how i snuck in there:-) to put it in baseball terms, good eye hip. anywho i think me, al, and heather and maybe schubert are gonna roll down there. i gotta pass that whore around one more time with our swedish companions. this time maybe i'll even learn the words to their little drinking song.

    oh and another piece of news to pass along. i don't know if you ever met my boy cliff out here but we were kickin it and he asked me about the trip back and everything so i told him all the crazy shit that went down. long story short, he has his own clothing line going on and offered to donate a bunch of t-shirts for raffle prizes at future events or if you donate $20+ or something like that you can score a free t. even though you weren't there you must've made a hell of a first impression. he said his website isn't up to date with everything but i'll see if he can send me a catalogue or something. just an idea we're floatin around for you man. even though you're not here cali's still got your back homie.

    and no i didn't even start working yet today much less put in an hour by now, but hell it's friday, if i can't break my own rules on friday when can i?

  12. Amongst all the smart talk....
    I thought I would throw in a couple
    of wise thoughts:



    These two guys know of what they speak.
    Be cool.
